上海包装设计公司欣赏:SPECIAL.T 雀巢优质茶叶胶囊品牌系列包装设计
|包装设计 |茶叶 |插画设计
欢迎来到SPECIAL.T的魔力世界。每种茶都有自己的独特气质,但是它们之间又需要保持统一性来让品牌内部保持连续。B&B 包装设计公司为雀巢这种优质茶胶囊品牌设计了新形象,创造出了高辨识度的,引人注目的图像,以此给到消费者关于每种茶更多的信息。每种茶代表一种不同的动物,这其中不止反映出茶味道的区别,同时也让消费者根据自己的喜好选择不同个性的茶。


Welcome to the magical world of SPECIAL.T. Each individual type of tea has a one-of-a-kind personality, while every single one is cohesive and clearly keeps the brand looking consistent. B&B packaging design company developed the new look for this premium tea capsule brand from Nestlé, creating distinct, striking images that tell consumers more about each tea. Each variety features a different animal, which not only reflects the taste of the tea but gives consumers unique personalities to choose as their favorites.

雀巢的优质茶胶囊系列SPECIAL.T以具有标志性的,颠覆性的全新形象重新推出市场。设计是由 B&B studio包装设计公司完成的,他们把这个品牌充满魔力的神奇世界展现在消费者面前。设计灵感来源于迷人的SPECIAL.T世界,最初是为线上电商和广告渠道设计的,设计载体是产品外包装设计。B&B 包装设计公司的设计任务还包括品牌的胶囊和机器包装,传达出SPECIAL.T茶的制作过程简单到只需按一下按钮。


“Nestlé’s premium tea capsule system SPECIAL.T has relaunched with an iconic and disruptive new design by B&B studio, which brings the brand’s magical and fantastical world to life for consumers. The design takes inspiration from the enchanting SPECIAL.T world, originally created for online and advertising channels, and communicates it through packaging. B&B studio was also tasked with creating a new look for the brand’s capsules and the machine packaging, to deliver SPECIAL.T tea expertise direct to the consumer with just the touch of a button.”


上海包装设计公司欣赏:SPECIAL.T 雀巢优质茶叶胶囊品牌系列包装设计




“Taking the cues from the expansive magical world created to support the brand online and on advertising channels, the capsule packs each feature a distillation of the individual tea’s assets to express the flavour, provenance or benefit of each drink. The range is now cohesive and easy to navigate, yet each tea has its own distinct and bold personality.”




“Images range from a tiger wearing a turban on the Earl Grey pack, to a flamingo-grapefruit hybrid for the Pink Pamplemousse infusion. The otherworldly imagery dramatises the concept behind each tea variant, enhances tea expertise and values, and offers clear differentiation within an extensive range.”


上海包装设计公司欣赏:SPECIAL.T 雀巢优质茶叶胶囊品牌系列包装设计上海包装设计公司欣赏:SPECIAL.T 雀巢优质茶叶胶囊品牌系列包装设计上海包装设计公司欣赏:SPECIAL.T 雀巢优质茶叶胶囊品牌系列包装设计插画设计




“To increase brand standout and recognition, as well as to create a strong icon for the brand, an enlarged and isolated T from the logo is positioned on the front of pack. The T overlaps the enchanting imagery, illustrating the connection with the brand. The T also appears on the top of pack, replicating the machine’s tea-making button, as well as on the opening mechanism to echo its one touch system.”




“Foiling on the logo and an embossed texture reinforce the premium look. Colour coded backgrounds differentiate the ranges into types of tea: black, tea, green, white, blue, rooibos and fruit and herb infusions, promoting simple navigation, while premium finishes add a touch of luxury.”




“Tea leaves and flowers communicate the products’ natural qualities, tea values, and premium feel. Opening up the packs reveals further details from the magical world and provides a sense of discovery. The packaging also communicates the ease of use and drives consumers to the website, where a total of 35 SPECIAL.T varieties are available.”


上海包装设计公司欣赏:SPECIAL.T 雀巢优质茶叶胶囊品牌系列包装设计上海包装设计公司欣赏:SPECIAL.T 雀巢优质茶叶胶囊品牌系列包装设计插画设计上海包装设计公司欣赏:SPECIAL.T 雀巢优质茶叶胶囊品牌系列包装设计上海包装设计公司欣赏:SPECIAL.T 雀巢优质茶叶胶囊品牌系列包装设计插画设计


B&B studio包装设计公司的创意合伙人Shaun Bowen说道:“ SPECIAL.T的神奇世界那时候等待着我们来捕捉并把他们转变成高辨识度的美丽包装。我们有能力把高品质茶品牌的精髓传达出来,同时在不同的茶种类中体现连续感,以此表达出完整的SPECIAL.T体验。”


Shaun Bowen, Creative Partner, at B&B studio, said, “The wonderful world of SPECIAL.T was ready to be captured and transformed by us into distinctive and beautiful packaging. We were able to communicate the intrinsic premium qualities of the tea brand and also bring some consistency across the various teas to express the full SPECIAL.T experience.”


雀巢的Marie-Pierre Ambroggi 说道:“B&B帮助SPECIAL.T朝向完美而又简单的饮茶体验发展。清晰的分割,简单的导航,更紧凑更有创意的盒子,这些因素把品牌带到了更高的层次。”


Marie-Pierre Ambroggi from Nestlé added, “B&B has helped evolve SPECIAL.T towards a more perfect and simple tea experience. Clear segmentation, easier navigation and more compact and creative boxes come together to take the brand to the next level.”


上海包装设计公司欣赏:SPECIAL.T 雀巢优质茶叶胶囊品牌系列包装设计

上海包装设计公司欣赏:SPECIAL.T 雀巢优质茶叶胶囊品牌系列包装设计


改进后的SPECIAL.T包装系列十月份在欧洲的几个国家上市了。同时2017年在日本和法国推出。未来品牌还有推出限量版茶包装设计的计划。仍然由B&B studio包装设计公司担任设计。


“The revamped SPECIAL.T packaging range launched in a number of countries across Europe in October, but will roll out in Japan and France in 2017. There are also plans to launch limited edition packs, with design by B&B studio, in the future.”





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